
iLike: Pon & Zi

I adore the artwork... and my heart is swayed by the sentimental thoughts/conversations in these works. *emo*

pzcircus pzaccident pzastro pzbeatingheart pzbigheart pzbutterfilesintummy pzbuttwipe pzcantsleep pzfishing pzcookie pzcookie2 pzcryingsky pzdontbreakthis pzdrawings pzfalling pzfallinlove pzhellosnail pzfishy pzglow pzgummy pzheavenhellpzhaltmeow    pzlove pzhome pzhugs pzidiot pziloveyou pzkeepostrich pzkilledspider pzlostintranslation pzprettygf pzloveplague pzmistletoe pznet pzninja pznotkill pznubblyhand pzwishlovepzteddies pzpuckers pzpuckerup  pzsafesleep pzsmilingheart pzsnails   pzvenusflytrap pzvomitblood pzwakeup
Do visit The Art of Jeff Thomas -  the artist behind Pon and Zi.


  1. behind the funny emo characters are messages that one should not overlook... silent but hilarious cry for attention and love...

  2. yes, it's drama behind comedy... subtle truths that any of us face everyday... it is indeed a cry for attention and love.. suppressed emotions wrapped in cute funny lines, seeking that someone would find the real message… and hoping that someone would understand and care for what we really feel…

    love & the need to be loved.
